Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ready for more Smallmouth

Hit the river this morning and caught my first smallmouth for the year, oh how I missed these fish. Looking forward to another good summer full of some Texas smallmouths. The fishing was kinda slow on the river this morning, only caught a hand full of fish. The first fish I caught was a small sand bass with blue iridescent fins that really stood out on him. I ended the day fishing with Justin (FireFlyFisherman); it was a little windy but  it didn't stop us from having a good afternoon with lots of nice bass brought to hand.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Spawn : Week 10

Spawn : Week 10

Well, I think I am going to go ahead and close out the spawn series. It seems like most the bass are off the beds, the bluegill/bream are going strong and they will continue to be on beds with every full moon through the rest of spring and summer. I had some kinda funk this spring when it came to big bass, every good fish (4+ lbs) I hooked I ended up losing it some how or the other. Pulled hooks, broke em off, pulled into brush piles and wrapped up, you name it and it happened. Hopefully that will change soon and I will bring some nice fish to hand this summer. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spawn : Week 9

The Bream are on the beds strong right now. There are a few bass still hanging around on the beds but at the ponds I fish the bass spawn is almost over. I spent a lot of this week fishing for bream and found a large concentration of longears. In my opinion the males are one of the prettiest freshwater fish that is native to the Texas region. They don't get very big but they make up for that with their looks. They have a hard time resisting a red ass or other small nymph/emerger pattern and can be pretty easy pickings.

 Look at that forehead, 
similar to a rio grande chichlid.

 I love the colors on this bluegill. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spawn : Week 8

Happy Easter Everyone!!

The fishing was good this week and the bluegill are very active. The bass were on the beds strong this week with the full moon. This will be the last strong push and we are probably looking at another 2-3 weeks and they will be completely off the beds and moving into their summer time patterns. I went on a recon trip on some new water. Found some nice bass to 3-4 lbs but they were hard to catch due to the clear shallow waters they were in. I did catch some small bass and panfish. Not sure if I will be back to fish this water, it was a lot of work getting the kayak down in there and lots of dragging due to shallow water. With Easter weekend I had some family in town and spent Easter day putting my cousins Morgan and Kendall on some bass. We didn't catch anything to big but we caught a lot of nice bass and the two sisters had a lot of fun. I had them taking their own fish off the hook by the end of the day.